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Your first post!

This is your first post! *Save as “Draft”, then start blogging! For your benefit, we have added a category call “Jobs”. You can use this when creating posts about your employment.

Tutorial Demo Site
For lots of detailed instructions on creating posts, try our Tutorial Demo Site with instructions right on the page, sidebar and header!





(To remove this post from view, you may delete it or save as draft from Admin >> Posts >> Your first post!.)


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Posts in Widget

Chocolates-250A great way to show off your posts is to put them in a sidebar or widget area. This can be accomplished by using the TW Recent Post Widget found in Admin >> Appearance >> Widgets. Be sure to set your first image in the posts as the Featured Image.

At Kennedy Bakery, Inc. lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed iaculis, sem ac auctor consequat, mauris enim lacinia est, id consequat sem nibh egestas ante. Proin adipiscing, libero sed pretium feugiat, ante leo interdum dui, at sagittis urna ante eu eros. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Quisque pharetra, massa vulputate faucibus condimentum, odio nulla lacinia nunc, et blandit ante enim sed sem. Phasellus pede neque, adipiscing et, volutpat id, luctus id, arcu. Ut sodales tincidunt ipsum. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Sed tempor sagittis diam. Nam sit amet elit vitae lorem auctor facilisis. Vestibulum urna. Nunc ut mauris non risus pellentesque tempor. Nullam mattis lacinia sem. Phasellus faucibus elit non ante. Nullam ligula. Quisque faucibus bibendum leo.